

Deployment is the process of sending releases to the selected remote device or device groups within scheduled time. This is a step-by-step guide to get a comprehensive idea about deployment. This guide provides an overview of how to create deployment, how to check deployment details. You can search and filter deployments easily based on the deployment status, release type and also can change the view type to list view or card(grid) view by clicking on the list icon present at top right corner.

You can create deployments in two ways:

  • Quick Deployment : when you want to deploy release to the devices or group of devices quickly within 10 minutes.

  • Scheduled Deployment : when you want to deploy release to the devices or group of devices within scheduled time.

The status of deployment changes in various stages.

  • Pending : when the deployment is created by the user.

  • Scheduled : when deployment is scheduled at particular time.

  • In Progress : when release is deploying.

  • Completed : when deployment is completed.

Create Deployment

Step-by-Step Guide How To Create Deployment:

Step 1: Navigate to deployment present in side bar and click on Create Deployment.


Step 2: Deployment Details.
  • Enter the deployment name.


  • select device group or device that you want to deploy.


  • select the release that you want to deploy for select devices or groups.


  • select date and time to schedule the deployment.

Schedule Time

  • select number of times each device will attempt to apply the update. You can set that value as default value.


Step 3: Create Deployment.
  • Now you can create deployment in two ways.
    • Schedule Deployment

    • Quick Deployment

  • If you click on schedule deployment, deployment start at scheduled time

  • If you click on quick deployment, deployment start after 10 minutes from current time. You can see the exact time beside done button.

    If you wnt to continue click Done.


  • Now you can see created deployment.


Deployment Details

Step-by-Step Guide How To view Deployment Details:

Step 1: Navigate to deployment present in side bar and click on any available deployment.


Step 2: You can see the detailed information about deployment.
  • Deployment Progress: How many successful devices, failed devices and in progress devices.

  • Activity: who had created or approved or deployed and when that deployment created or approved or deployed.
