

This section will display a list of users with all details including their name,role,mobile number, email,security policy.

Steps to navigate to the Users page in Admin Portal:

To view all the users in the ROTA admin portal, follow these steps:

Step 1: Click on Settings in the sidebar.Under the Users and Roles section, select the Users option.

Users Page

Step 2: This page will list out all the users in the Customer Portal.

Users Page

Invite User

Steps to Invite the user

Step 1: Navigate to the Users Page and Click on the “Invite user” button.

Users Page

Step 2: Enter User Details like Name, Email ID, Display Name, and Role.

Users Page

Step 3: Choose the appropriate policy from the dropdown menu. Click “Save” to send the invitation or Click “Discard” to cancel the invitation.

Users Page

Step 5: A notification will appear confirming that the invitation was sent.

Users Page

Step 6: Go back to Settings module and Click Approvals under Organization.

Users Page

Step 7: The approval for the created user will be displayed. Click on the created user.

Users Page

Step 8: Click on Approve button.

Users Page

Step 9: Now the created user is approved by the admin and it would be display under the list of users.

Users Page

Search and Filter User

Step 1: To search for specific user details, click on the Search bar in the header and enter the relevant information. This will display the corresponding user details.

Users Page

Step 2: To filter users, click the filter icon in the top right corner. Choose a role or security policy from the available categories, and then click “Show Filter Results” to see the filtered list.

Users Page

Step 3: This will display the corresponding user details.

Users Page