Organization Approvals

A Step-by-Step Guide for navigating to Approvals on Settings Module

Step 1: Select Settings from the Sidebar.Under the Organization section, click on the Approvals module.


Step 2: The list of approvals available in the admin portal will be displayed.


Approve/Reject Users

A Step-by-Step Guide for approving a new user in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created user, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

New Users

Step 2: Click on “Approve” Button.

Settings Approve

Step 3: The newly created user will be approved and displayed accordingly.

User Approved

A Step-by-Step Guide for rejecting a new user in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created user, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

Select User

Step 2: Click on “Reject” Button.

User Reject

Step 3: A popup for adding a rejection reason will appear. Select an option from the dropdown menu for rejection and provide a description of the rejection reason.

Reject Reason

Step 4: After entering details, Click on “Reject” button.

Confirm Reject

Step 5: The newly created user will be rejected and displayed accordingly.

Reject Success

Approve/Reject Roles

A Step-by-Step Guide for approving a new role in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created role, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

New Role

Step 2: Click on “Approve” Button.

Select Approve

Step 3: The newly created role will be approved and displayed accordingly.

Approve Success

A Step-by-Step Guide for rejecting a new role in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created role, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

User Role

Step 2: Click on “Reject” Button.

Select reject

Step 3: A popup for adding a rejection reason will appear. Select an option from the dropdown menu for rejection and provide a description of the rejection reason.

Popup Notification

Step 4: After entering details, Click on “Reject” button.

Reject Details

Step 5: The newly created role will be rejected and displayed accordingly.

Confirm Reject

Approve/Reject Teams

A Step-by-Step Guide for approving a new Team in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created team, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

Select Teams

Step 2: Click on “Approve” Button.

Select Approve

Step 3: The newly created team will be approved and displayed accordingly.

Approve Success

A Step-by-Step Guide for rejecting a new Team in Approvals under Settings module

Step 1: Click on the newly created team, which will be displayed in the Approvals section.

Teams Select

Step 2: Click on “Reject” Button.

Select Reject

Step 3: A popup for adding a rejection reason will appear. Select an option from the dropdown menu for rejection and provide a description of the rejection reason.

Reject Reason

Step 4: After entering details, Click on “Reject” button.

Confirm Reject

Step 5: The newly created team will be rejected and displayed accordingly.

Reject Success

After approving and rejecting the respective roles, teams, and users, the Approvals page under the Settings module will be displayed as follows.
